A “Sex-Swap” couple whereby the woman-faker finds out that he can’t breastfeed their baby
Best contextual examples of realtime ‘folie a deux’ found in the celebrity class:
These pathological enmeshments between parent and child are everywhere; parent and “trans child” now trapped together - a childish adult and an adultish child, interdependent - until one of them blinks once the initial “trans joy” wears off and the inevitable regret and health problems set in. The spell breaks.
And so it goes on; the oppression narrative becoming mainstream propaganda that seems impossible to challenge openly - until we can become brave enough and knowledgeable enough to call it out. Other reasons parents trans their own children?
Following the herd
The “right” thing to do
They deserve a future/just trying to do the best for their child
Parent terrified of social ostracisation, cult disapproval, being cancelled
Some parents of course are “holding the line” by going along with it in order to keep their offspring closer; trying to reduce the perceived risk of a walkout or estrangement. I think it’s important that we recognise this strategy when we can, and I’ve met and interacted with a few who have privately told me that this is the only strategy that stops their family disintegrating.
The parents I have zero pity or compassion for are those that remain indifferent, lazy, selectively deaf to other voices and perspectives, and those who KNOW that there are compelling counter-arguments to their choices and decisions out there, but who still can’t bear to look &/or listen. Much like the politicians of every hue, and much of the media class who only scratch the surface or take a “top sheet” approach to a challenging report.
Transing your own child is rarely the result of a single cause or conviction, more likely arising from a multi-factor belief, based on many of the above. One thing’s for sure though…..
& it’s a cult
You need a button other than "like" for you readers to react to this nightmare. Maybe a rage button.
I cannot interact with any of the demon parents leading their children to destruction. I absolutely sympathize with those parents that walk a tightrope as they try to keep the connection. I also cannot have anything to do with the people watching and celebrating a parent making money off destroying their child, as the audience of "Jazz" does. What should happen to the transhausen "parents?" Sterilize them and reopen Alcatraz.