I've been getting your free posts for a bit and they've been fantastic. But it was #13 above that has me committing my financial support. It's astounding to me that you're the only one I've read who states the obvious problem of the "stereotypically-ideal behaviour of compliant public femininity." I'm an old feminist, very self-aware from an early age that females tend to the above, starting with a natural (imo) inclination to be accommodating but then being socialized to develop that and conform to an extreme beyond what is "natural," to their own detriment. As a middle-aged woman who doesn't conform to the radical, 7/24 accommodating feminine stereotype (and never did), I thank you. Then there's the excellent next paragraph where you state "I don’t recall gays and lesbians urging the youth to take drugs and go under the surgeons knife..." Touche! Gays and lesbians made a mistake when they did the "feminine" thing and accommodated, the T. Time to cut their losses and send the T to the psychiatrist (and/or prison), where they belong.

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I’m a gay man and all this terrifies me. But I’m so glad there’s a growing chorus of pushback. I do my part by raising questions in my own immediate circles, but I’m basically a ghost on social media after publishing something related to trans women in women’s sport prompted a chorus of strident (and sobering) backlash, entirely out of proportion with the mild piece I shared.

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