Jul 11, 2023Liked by Denton

There are times I cannot read anymore about this problem, because I am just done with it and want to hide from it. And there are also times that I read and read and read about others who are struggling against this thing, and I somehow feel less alone.

Thank you to all who are willing to discuss.

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It's tough, I know. But thank you for sticking in there, you're not alone Holly. One of the reasons I keep compiling these posts is that, I have no other voice. Because I choose to try to protect the mental health of our daughter by not being "out" as GC, I'm silencing myself in order to retain hope. Ambiguous Loss casts a spell, of lives paralysed somehow, permanently in an emotional/psychic cult de sac. So I keep posting in order to try to do my bit to destroy the culture of gender worship within which this mental health epidemic can be exposed and brought into the light. If I can use our story to help others to become brave, and challenge this nightmare cult, then it will be worth it, which is why I always hold onto the hope that subscribers might be inspired to pass on my posts to others who are wavering, curious, or on the brink of being peaked. Lets stick together and stay strong

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Jul 10, 2023Liked by Denton

Did you see the 7 July Telegraph article about cross-sex ideating man, "Sophie" Steven Cook and his D&I job recommending that "non-affirming" family members who do not extract $$$$ from their pensions to fund the woo are "domestic abusers?" He's really something. Says he told his kids and they did speed-emoting through the 7 stages of grief in less than an hour.

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Yes I did, and I was thinking of you when I first read the posts about the CPS capture. the fragrant Sophie Cook might well feature in a post of mine coming up soon. Although, I'm aware I could be arrested at any given moment now, for daring to <think> about our estranged daughter

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