Some of these images actually make me nauseous. How can anyone with a brain not realize that teaching young girls and boys that, if you don't like your body, this is a wonderful, normal feeling, and, in fact, your body is "wrong," and needs to be medically "fixed" with chemicals and surgeries - despite the fact that you have no health issues, and your body is functioning perfectly? In any other form, such body hatred would be combatted with counseling that your body is fine the way it is, and you should not damage it (think anorexia, body dysmorphia, teens thinking they are "ugly"). And how do we force girls to accept boys in their bathrooms and changing rooms? Even if a boy "feels like a girl," whatever that means, why does that mean he has to change in front of girls (or they have to change in front of him?) It makes no sense. How can people have gone so wrong? It's no exaggeration to say this is as bad as the days of witch trials. No, we're not drowning people or burning them at the stake - but it's almost worse because it's being done under the guise of kindness. We're quietly sterilizing, mutilating and gaslighting a generation, and it appears (if we look very quickly with no thought whatsoever) like we're just being nice!!!!!!

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Incredible isn't it. I'm still shocked every single day. The public hounding and medieval witch hunt of JKR is the biggest, most obvious sign imaginable that some kind of mass social psychosis is going on. And yet, there are signs - such as the girls in many UK schools protesting the imposition of "unisex" toilets - that small revolutions, micro-kickbacks are appearing and given time, may yet build some traction. I really hope so

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I wonder if we will ever be able to save our kids. And by our kids, I mean all the kids who are vulnerable to the ideology.

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We have to gird ourselves in preparation for the cross-sex ideologists' responses to the better studies coming out. Here's a link to the interview between amazing Jungian therapist, Bob Withers, (UK) and Stephanie Winn, who is appropriately named, as she won her case to keep her license when TRAs attacked her in her home state of Oregon. (for doing group therapy for parents of ROGD teens, of all things!) They are both voices to watch. Cults do not last forever.


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That's a great one, thanks Ute. I was also interested to see that (literally) the day after I posted this, Rishi Sunak announced in the House of Commons his intention to initiate a review of sex ed in schools, supported by Gillian Keegan MP @GillianKeegan - which I flagged in the last para of my post above. Will they treat gender ideology like the elephant in the room? It wasn't even referred to in the reply from Robin Walker MP to a letter sent by the Family Education Trust in May 2022 which I have a copy of. There has never been a more important time for the gov to step up! Since the Rishi announcement the next day took me by surprise, I'll be keeping tabs on this and providing progress updates when anything moves or develops

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From across the pond, my sense is that the alphabet charities are using their substantial cash flow to produce untrained, uninformed curricula in the sex ed area, which directs the students into "tolerant" attitudes about sexual practices, creating the false narrative that kink and bondage, pornography and other damaging, cultish, ritualistic practices will replace the warm intimacy of monogamous life styles. Accepting same sex attraction is already a general societal norm, and teens especially don't need indoctrination. Families headed by same sex couples are protected by law. The mental health practitioners are the ones pushing for no boundaries, perhaps without self-awareness, in the service of the trans lobby, refusing to admit that child safeguarding is thrown out the window. There's a good interview of the author of the new book, Time to Think (an ironic play on the excuse for teens on puberty blockers) at YT channel, Gender, A Wider Lens. Time to Think details the history of the Tavistock policies fast-tracking their under age patients to puberty blockers and wrong sex hormones. And, this author called the Dutch studies this name, "The Ferring Studies!" Ferring being the Dutch pharma corp that bought the whole propaganda by funding the Dutch researchers. The entire diagnosis is a fraud, and you and I are simply the ones who took the rose glasses off and allowed ourselves to see the truth. Thanks for continuing this work, difficult though it is. Here's my latest invention, The Heggen Lexicon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8M0YzE4MXY&t=1s

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