Oct 27, 2022Liked by Denton

It was a terrible week in a string of terrible weeks. The Jordan Gray thing was the poison icing on top of the Dylan Mulvaney cake (and I hadn't even seen the news of that actual surgeon's cake- what a disgusting and distopian display!) The crowd of cheering morons at the Jordan Gray "show" really got to me. I found myself raging this week but with the rage comes even greater clarity.

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Thanks Deirdre, it's incredible isn't it? That cake image hit me hard, really hard, I find the celebration of unnecessary surgical mutilation absolutely horrifying

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"I know things are bad in the UK with gender ideology, but the level of capture in Canada, by all accounts, is just appalling."

Yeah. "Speaking as a Canadian 🙄", you might be interested in my run-in with Statistics Canada, though the Statistics departments of Britain and New Zealand are no better as I've argued there:


Of particular note is New Zealand's definition of:

"Lesbian: A woman who is sexually attracted to people of the same sex or gender."

So in their view, penis-havers -- at least if they "self-identify" as females -- can be lesbians. 🙄 Idiots.

But what got my goat, got smoke coming out of my ears was this bit anti-scientific claptrap:

"Male gender: This category includes persons whose current gender was reported as male. This includes cisgender and transgender persons whose current gender was reported as male.

Female gender: This category includes persons whose current gender was reported as female. This includes cisgender and transgender persons whose current gender was reported as female."

“Circular Definitions R Us”. Absolute idiots. Whoever was responsible there should be fired, if not run of town on a rail. Link to my submission to Statistics Canada in the Substack post.

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Thanks Steersman, dangerous, irresponsible idiots, just as you say. Sometimes it feels like this juggernaut is too huge to turn around. Those quotes above are proof of the sex denialism at the root of language use within the trans/gender "movement"

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Scathing as usual, Denton! Dylan Mulvaney openly states he has ADHD, was out of work during the shutdowns of the pandemic, had bad acne as a teen boy. He's very clearly a gay man. He has absolutely no grasp of anything remotely resembling female existence. Who else notoriously had/has ADHD? Caitlin Jenner, now railing against a stream of "body awareness" Mulvaney's been posting. I wish I could force my "mince stepping" ex-husband to sit in a locked cell and watch Mulvaney non-stop. With 3 Ivy League post-graduate degrees and a fancy tech firm job, I imagine even he finds the Dylan's woo too sugary.

Ute Heggen, author, In the Curated Woods, True Tales from a Grass Widow (iuniverse, 2022)


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