Atwood let all women and children down ... that one hurt.

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Re: Twitter asking to shut down the image of the arm being used to create a fake penis being banned:

If these brutal "treatments" are so beneficial, why aren't they all portraying these horrific surgeries - including the arms being flayed - as beautiful, natural, authentic parts of their "gender journeys?" (Hm, perhaps it's because, deep down, subconsciously, they all know this is wrong, sick, destructive, and a great medical scandal, but I could be wrong.)

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What is grossly misunderstood about the correlation to Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale is that all these sterilized middle class white kids will become the overlords forcing the class that refused to get sucked into this cult to reproduce for them. That's the novel that I'm going to write.

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This comment is for everyone who needs to start a sentence, "I know a Kindergarten teacher who," and then continue into my philosophy of children's play with quality materials. Block play is a very important developmental activity, involving spatial thinking, counting, geometry and physics. I never added vehicles to block play until after Christmas. Why? Because all children, boys and girls love the movement of crashing vehicles. I introduced the trucks, trains and cars, even little toy bikes, during a social studies unit on transportation. Boys and girls worked in mixed groups and drew all kinds of maps of their roads and villages, demonstrating spatial skills. Dr. Kenneth Zucker's outmoded concept that boys who play with dolls have a "female skewed brain" (my phrase interpreting his sexist comments on children's play) and girls who are drawn to trucks demonstrate "male characteristics" is the truth of the "sexologist sexism," and the awful doll known as Barbie, a doll with ritually Playboy centerfold sized bosom should be banned from all school environments. Barbie doll is not educational. Thanks for letting me pontificate, Denton.

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