The cultish characteristics are a common theme lately. On Jonathan Streeter's YouTube channel, Thoughts on Things and Stuff, he interviews detransitioner, Michelle Alleva on his list of qualities typical of cults. Detransitioner, Isaac, on his YouTube channel, Isaac Uncooked, also lists the cult aspects of trans ideology. Now that my 15 month ban from YouTube is over, I've started Ute Heggen channel, to promote easy wellbeing movements to reconnect mind/body. The entire field of psychology abandoned its mission to help, in their adoption of unfounded claims that sex can be changed. Most are only 7 minutes, focus on vagus nerve calm and core strength.


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Gender ideology and critical race theory often involved ILLEGAL discrimination! Here are some recent victories I had against critical race theory in education and employment. The NYC film fund, a 7-million-dollar film fund which only helped upcoming artists if they wish to live as women, is now open to both sexes regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity because I complained to NYSDHR and they were found to have done illegal discrimination. I gathered evidence and filed complaints with NYSDHR and other FEPAs in other states, as well as OCR. Read my article to learn what my some of my victories are. https://open.substack.com/pub/justingaffneysamuels/p/using-factual-evidence-and-the-law?r=6512g&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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You still have a daughter even if she doesn’t know it! Thanks for putting all this together. We need to document all this for future generations and, hopefully, for people now to wake up to this insanity.

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