I’m curious if anyone has done some research on the history of cults that happened in the 60’s- 80’s. Remember when all those young people took off to India to follow some guru or the Moonies, etc? I wonder Where is the deep research comparing these phenomena??

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Jul 28, 2022Liked by Denton

I read this just after seeing Graham Linehan's post that The Tavistock was closed. Your work is remarkable and I believe your writing (ongoing, to your surprise, and my approval!) and your art are expressing something healing not only for yourself, but many others. I feel a bit lighter today, perhaps it's the fact I'll appear on Women's Declaration International on Aug. 27, with Jo Brew, or perhaps the request from another video producer for another interview. I'm realizing that my story, as an "ex-wife of" is also about the grooming, the indoctrinating and brainwashing from "sexologists" like Dr. Jack Turban (whose data is completely debunked, who now says about de-transitioners that "identity is dynamic") My ex-husband's sexologist was Christine Wheeler, who, according to her sworn affidavit, diagnosed a man I'd known for 18 years "in one appointment" as if she "could picture" him in drag, and that's it, magic diagnosis. Thanks for what you do. I too, have been rejected by my children. In my case, for remembering that their father is a man. (and I bet he'd de-transition if it became "the thing")

Ute Heggen, author, In the Curated Woods, True Tales from a Grass Widow


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Jul 28, 2022Liked by Denton

❤️🙏thank you for these posts.

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Ich frage mich auch, was in den Köpfen dieser jungen, hübschen Frauen passiert. Ich denke, es ist die Hoffnung, dass das Leben anders, besser ist, wenn man das Geschlecht ändert (...ja wie soll man das Geschlecht ändern, hallo, ist ein angenähter Penis dann funktionsfähig für das was er gedacht ist 🙄). Die Realiät wird sie irgendeinmal einholen, der Preis ist hoch dafür. Ich glaube es ist wie mit Drogen, die Kinder glauben nicht, dass es schadet. Nur dieser Transscheiss, wird sogar von Ärzten unterstützt, ja wie soll man da als Mutter/Vater nicht die Zuversicht für das Leben verlieren. Mein Leben hat sich auch komplett verändert.

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Jul 27, 2022Liked by Denton

We, as parents of children lost to this or on the path, are all trying to find a way to manage the trauma. Your images are captivating. The tiled pseudopeople are moving not because of the technical capabilities but because of the questions they raise. Who are these people who look so much like our children but have ceased to be them any longer. Familiar but foreign. The shocking effectiveness of this ideology, with it's vast network of support from the highest levels of society, is something to behold. Growing up in the Manson/Jonestown days, I could never understand how someone could be so completely taken over, fascinated by the idea of "deprogramming". It's near impossible to comprehend how completely ideas tossed around online have remade my child. I've seen glimpses of my son — rarely, maybe twice over the last two years — and I wonder if he's trapped in there somewhere or if those are the flickers of a dying flame.

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Keep on writing and creating Denton, the world needs your truth.

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I shared on twitter. It's hard to understand how your daughter could turn on your gentle spirit except MENTAL ILLNESS + DRUGS + GROOMERS

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