So, while walking back to my boyfriend's Brooklyn apartment from Methodist Hospital after the young, earnest and lovely oncologist told us that he has a rare form of sarcoma growing inside, inoperable, signs of it in lungs and liver, I got mad. I got really, really done with these selfish narcissists dominating the medical field. Why are their (always unsuccessful) surgeries the theme of the day? Why do my sons refuse to talk to me because I call their father what he is? I will see this honorable 75 year old man through. I finally had something real. I will roar.

Ute Heggen, author, In the Curated Woods, True Tales from a Grass Widow (iuniverse, 2022)

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We can account for the number of young (and older) women supporting erasure and cancellation because it's nothing new. There's always been a certain portion of the female population that holds every male on a pedestal and caters to their every whim. They will attack other females that don't immediately kowtow to a male in a tantrum. They are the ones who would say to me growing up in the 60's and 70's to "Just let him do it, don't make him mad." They would drool over the guy who some years back offered to change a tire for me (as I was setting the jack), and when I thanked him but told him I prefer to do it myself, started screaming at me and threatening me, calling me a b1t3h. For wanting to change my tire myself. There are many more examples. My younger sister got to witness one when I picked up a reefer for her (I'm a farmer with a truck) and the carpenter she had working on her house came outside (uninvited) to tell me how I was going to get the reefer off MY truck. When I said I had another plan, he started into a tantrum literally jumping up and down. For that type of male and female, females are allowed no thoughts, boundaries or preferences. We are just there to bob our heads with our walnut sized brains to whatever comes out of a man's mouth. That's how we get these nasty women and men.

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