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Mar 31, 2023·edited Mar 31, 2023

Today is my younger son's 32nd birthday. I know there is no point in trying to call him and that he won't call me. Those calls used to be me regaling him with my 5 hour labor, how it was so fast, no doctor or midwife had time to suggest pain remedies. After his birth, his father was oddly quiet and subdued. I later learned, after my discovery of his cross-dressing diaries, that he already had a secret, intrigue-filled life, pretending to be a woman. 6 months later, I almost died of pneumonia. Miraculously my son returned to breastfeeding after I recovered. I'd had dangerously high fevers, but took care of myself with little help from hubby. A year later, the three diaries emerged from their Pandora's Box. I can't decide whether to post on Ute Heggen YT channel about this day, or find a way to private rituals. Due to my recent refusal to use female pronouns for the father of my sons, my sons have "gone no contact." If there are printable photos of "Days of Vengeance after this weekend (Washington DC) I will make them into postcards to send to their addresses. The daffodils are starting to bloom, and I turn my thoughts elsewhere. We are different categories of grieving parents, Denton.


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