{“if everyone around me says it’s OK, then I suppose it must be”. How dangerous this has proved to be. }

Unfortunately, most of the not so religious people who are not "yet" hurt by this movement think , people who oppose this freedom are conservatives and since I'm not a conservative , I should stand with the others. And currently only the conservative right wing media covers the opposing voices and their argument is based on religion. If we can agree on using a more unifying terminology I believe our voices would grow exponentially.

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Deeply deeply dismaying, and I so wish it would end. But don't you think gender identity ideology is to the detriment of ALL - poisonous for the whole of society, not just women and children? Lovely young men (read/listen to de-transitioners Limpida, TullipR, Cut Down Tree, Robin, Isaac (Cluniac) etc) were all caught up in and seduced by it. Not in the least because they hate/hated women, but because in their cases they seemed to have had no-one in their lives who routinely combatted the insidiously male-negative culture we're saturated in [not hard to find evidence of feminist rhetoric in every nursery/primary school in the land, so it starts young]. That lack, in combination with their own personal experiences/ idiosyncrasies/vulnerabilities as they were growing up, seemed to create a pretty heady cocktail of confusion, 'grooming' them into fearing and loathing men, into fearing and loathing their own burgeoning [perfectly normal] adult masculinity: The ideology gave them a way to escape being 'toxic' men, to 'purify' themselves, gave them a justification for their anxieties and difficulties. It's tragic. And I want it to stop.

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